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Nadiem Amiri
Дата рождения 27.10.1996
Возраст 27
Нац. Германия  Германия
Рост 1,80м
Контракт действует до 30 июня 2026 г.
Амплуа Центр. полузащитник
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Нынешний клуб Майнц 05

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Nadiem Amiri [11]

30 июля 2019 г. - 19:07 Часов
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#211
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 11:06 Часов
Zitat von Basilikum
Zitat von chnollu

Zitat von Hitdorfer

Zitat von Basilikum

Zitat von leverkusener04

Mal abgesehen von der roten Karte fand ich ihn heute richtig schwach. Mit Abstand der schwächste im 3er MF. Hat viele einfache Fehlpässe gespielt, völlig ohne Not. Wenig bis kaum Impact auf unser Offensivspiel.

Hab ich genauso gesehen. Die rote finde ich zu hart. Kam von der Seite und auch keine offene Sohle wenn ich es richtig gesehen habe.
also mein erster Gedanke im stadion war rot. Sonst ist man noch übberasscht wenn es riot gibt. Er kommt aus dem lauf und holzt den gegner ohne chance auf den ball voll um. Maximal dämlich

Für mich eine Kann-Entscheidung. Aufgrund der aufgeheizten Stimmung zuvor mit der extremen Rudelbildung und 4 gelben Karten fand ich es dann Verständlich, dass der Schiedsrichter Rot zeigt. Da hast du irgendwann halt auch mal genug! Ich persönlich hätte nur für das Foul an sich wohl gelb (Dunkelgelb) auch eher vorgezogen. Aber Rot war für mich, gerade in Anbetracht der Umstände, auch vertretbar! Amiri ist aber natürlich dann auch ein wenig "Opfer" des Verhaltens anderer. Persönlich hat er sich ja vorher nicht viel zu schulden kommen lassen. Daher für ihn persönlich die rote sicher hart!

Klar diese Rudelnildung hat alles etwas aufgeheizt, fand sie aber nicht so dramatisch. Der Schiri hat das eh super gelöst. Ganz ruhig und ohne viel Tam Tam wie es viele Buli Schiris mit zu großem Ego gemacht hätten. Wirkte auf mich jetzt nicht wirklich aufgewühlt. Von daher weiss ich nicht ob das seine Meinung beeinflusst hat.

Ich glaube schon ein wenig. Natürlich hat er es souverän gelöst, aber "auf den Sack" gehen dir solche Aktionen aus meiner Sicht trotzdem. Dass dies nicht so dramatisch war ist im übrigen nicht meine Ansicht. Natürlich gab es keine Schläge oder starkes schubsen oder etwas was Rot gewesen wäre. Aber solche Szenen sind das schlechteste was man bieten kann als Vorbild. Als ob es normal wäre wenn man sich gegenseitig rumzerrt ohne Grund... Das 2 Spieler mal aneinander geraten können weil der eine dem anderen auf den Fuss steht oder anrempelt verstehe ich noch. Dass dann aber 15 andere auf die beiden zurennen müssen und sich gegenseitig rumzerren müssen, dafür habe ich 0 Verständnis...

Aber ich schweife ab! smile geht ja um Amiri. Und wie gesagt denke ich dass er auch ein wenig Pech mit dieser vorherigen Szene hatte und der Schiri deswegen vielleicht eher Rot gezückt hat in dieser aus meiner Sicht vielleicht 50/50 Situation. Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass er mehr als das Minimalmass bekommen wird

•     •     •

Toleranz, Verständnis für andere Meinungen und ein wenig Empathie und schon haben wir gute Diskussionen!
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#212
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 11:18 Часов
Die rote Karte war eine klare Fehlentscheidung. Keine der Kriterien für rohes Spiel wurde entfüllt: Amiri kam von vorne, kein Treffer auf Knöchelhöhe und auch kein gestrecktes Bein.

Insofern kann man das sogar als Witzrot bezeichnen.
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#213
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 11:23 Часов
Zitat von Kannalles
Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

I cant believe that we have fans who praise his player!!!
Amiri made terrible tackle with intention. He left team alone for 10-15 minutes. He didn't do anything special all 80 minutes. He made errors in which Madrid could score.

It is ok, we know that you don't like Amiri. You don't have to show us every time Amiri makes a (little) mistake. And sorry, but a lot of referees give a yellow card here.

You have moral to write me after you defend him last week? Now you think that his tackle was for yellow card..... and now i am someone who doesn't like him? I told you that he has bad attitude which was leaked last game vs Borusia when he was in verbal fight with Bailey. Last night when was fight / punching in front of Atletico goal he run like kid to fight with others. Only Bela and Demirbay show that they are mans. Amiri is conflict player and he damage us already very well. I dont see any potential for improvements in football and mental part.

Judge made right call to send him into locker room. He wanted to injure Atletico player.

Your prejudices are hilarious! Did Amiri tell you that he wanted to injure the Atletico player or do you have any skills normal people don't have? Bosz said he didn't understand the red card. Amiri is a conflict player and so he damages us? Why not seeing it as a positive attribute? He brings emotion to the pitch. He fights for victory. He never gives up. And why is the discussion with Bailey negative? Does not everybody cry for an aggressive leader? Here he comes!
By the way, it was Bellarabi (and Tah) who got a yellow card, not Amiri. And Amiri is much younger, less experienced than Demirbay and Bellarabi. In a game with so much tension and a squad from Madrid, which is famous for provoking and unfairness, I totally understand Amiri's aggressiv way of playing.

Are you 18+? You are new on and who knows which fan you are.....

But i must reply on this nonsense.
1. If you have eyes you will see that Amiri had intention to hurt Atletico player. You dont need Bosz to say something in his defense and you immedialty accept it. It is normal reaction from Bosz to defend his player. All managers do the same.
2. I didnt see that Amiri fight for victory at all. In case he fights for victory, then he should do something on pitch. So far.... nothing!
3. He never gives up? Grow up please! He gave up yesterday and left team to defend won game.
4. When two players in same club arguing on pitch that is terrible thing! If you think that is normal, then ..... remember Chicharito and Bela? Fights outside of locker room are terrible. If they happen on pitch that means that atmosphere is not good inside.
5. Amiri aggressive leader? Oh my god!
6. Amiri has 22 years and Kai has 20 years. Kai is moe mature then him 10 times.
7. If Atletico play aggressively and with provocation you should reply with calmness and stability as our team show it last night. Attitude that on aggressive we must gave aggressive is wrong. If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?

IF you write this to defend him because you are related i understand.
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#214
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 11:38 Часов
Zitat von koppel1970
Die rote Karte war eine klare Fehlentscheidung. Keine der Kriterien für rohes Spiel wurde entfüllt: Amiri kam von vorne, kein Treffer auf Knöchelhöhe und auch kein gestrecktes Bein.

Insofern kann man das sogar als Witzrot bezeichnen.

Sehe ich genauso daumen-hoch
Klar hat Amiri ihn schön abgegräscht, aber selbst die 50:50 Entscheidung von manchen verstehe ich nicht. Das ist ne klare gelbe und sonst nix.

•     •     •

Fussball ist wie Schach, nur ohne Würfel. (Lukas Podolski)

Je länger du verlierst Auswärts, desto größer wird die wahrscheinlichkeit dass du mal wieder gewinnst. (Jörg Stiehl)

Mario ist gestern morgen aufgewacht und......hatte eine verhärtung :D (Jürgen Klopp)

Darum sind solche Spiele auch mal ganz gut auch ma, dass de wieder mit beiden Boden aud der Tatasache bist. (Frank Rost)
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#215
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 11:55 Часов
Ich glaub auch, dass es ohne die Rudelbildung zuvor nur gelb gegeben hätte. Eine klare Fehlentscheidung ist es für mich aber auch nicht. Das war schon ziemlich unnötig, wie Amiri da rein fliegt. In der Situation gab es keine Gefahr und es gab auch nichts zu gewinnen, im besten Fall hätte es Einwurf für den Gegner gegeben. Und so harmlos, wie hier einige die Grätsche darstellen, war sie eben auch nicht. Wenn er den Gegner da trifft, riskiert er eine Verletzung, auch wenn die Sohle nicht offen, die Höhe am Boden und die Richtung nicht von hinten war.

Fand, er hat ein ordentliches Spiel gemacht insgesamt, aber hier muss er cleverer werden. Der Schiri wollte ganz klar das Spiel nicht ausarten lassen und es war ziemlich offensichtlich, dass er in so einer Phase hart durchgreifen wird. Das war eine harte Entscheidung, aber ihn da vor die Wahl zu stellen hätte bereits nicht sein müssen.

•     •     •

Drieß op Traditione,
wer mäht he Jesetz?
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#216
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 12:06 Часов
Zitat von nikola_leverkusen
Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

I cant believe that we have fans who praise his player!!!
Amiri made terrible tackle with intention. He left team alone for 10-15 minutes. He didn't do anything special all 80 minutes. He made errors in which Madrid could score.

It is ok, we know that you don't like Amiri. You don't have to show us every time Amiri makes a (little) mistake. And sorry, but a lot of referees give a yellow card here.

You have moral to write me after you defend him last week? Now you think that his tackle was for yellow card..... and now i am someone who doesn't like him? I told you that he has bad attitude which was leaked last game vs Borusia when he was in verbal fight with Bailey. Last night when was fight / punching in front of Atletico goal he run like kid to fight with others. Only Bela and Demirbay show that they are mans. Amiri is conflict player and he damage us already very well. I dont see any potential for improvements in football and mental part.

Judge made right call to send him into locker room. He wanted to injure Atletico player.

Your prejudices are hilarious! Did Amiri tell you that he wanted to injure the Atletico player or do you have any skills normal people don't have? Bosz said he didn't understand the red card. Amiri is a conflict player and so he damages us? Why not seeing it as a positive attribute? He brings emotion to the pitch. He fights for victory. He never gives up. And why is the discussion with Bailey negative? Does not everybody cry for an aggressive leader? Here he comes!
By the way, it was Bellarabi (and Tah) who got a yellow card, not Amiri. And Amiri is much younger, less experienced than Demirbay and Bellarabi. In a game with so much tension and a squad from Madrid, which is famous for provoking and unfairness, I totally understand Amiri's aggressiv way of playing.

Are you 18+? You are new on and who knows which fan you are.....

But i must reply on this nonsense.
1. If you have eyes you will see that Amiri had intention to hurt Atletico player. You dont need Bosz to say something in his defense and you immedialty accept it. It is normal reaction from Bosz to defend his player. All managers do the same.
2. I didnt see that Amiri fight for victory at all. In case he fights for victory, then he should do something on pitch. So far.... nothing!
3. He never gives up? Grow up please! He gave up yesterday and left team to defend won game.
4. When two players in same club arguing on pitch that is terrible thing! If you think that is normal, then ..... remember Chicharito and Bela? Fights outside of locker room are terrible. If they happen on pitch that means that atmosphere is not good inside.
5. Amiri aggressive leader? Oh my god!
6. Amiri has 22 years and Kai has 20 years. Kai is moe mature then him 10 times.
7. If Atletico play aggressively and with provocation you should reply with calmness and stability as our team show it last night. Attitude that on aggressive we must gave aggressive is wrong. If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?

IF you write this to defend him because you are related i understand.

Ah, you are becoming pathetc. That speaks for old age and maturity. You reply to "nonsense" is "nonsense". In 5 1/2 points out of 7 you add nothing to what you showed us in all your prior posts on Amiri: antipathy for Amiri based on prejudices and no ability to question your attitude. My answer to this in your words: "Grow up please!" The other two points (4 and 7 (1/2)) are a matter of opinion. Regarding point 4, who started arguing and what was said between the two? Do you know this? Do you remember Podolski and Ballack? These things happen and it is ok, no weakness of any player. Humans are different and so are players. Reagrding your point 7, again: Humans are different and so are players. Ramos and Pepe are great (though aggressiv and unsympathetic) players. It's not a bad attitude to be emotional/aggressiv. Sometimes a mixture is important. And what a senseless question of you at the end: "If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?". If you can't objectively argue, please don't start discussions. You are making a fool of youreself!

By the way, I'm not related to Amiri, I foolow this forum since ages, I am a Bayer fan since my first time in Bayarena 2000 and what the hell has my age (30) to do with this? You are trying to relate to facts outside the discussion. That is really bad style.

•     •     •

Bitte bleibt vernünftig!
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#217
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 12:44 Часов
Zitat von Kannalles
Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

I cant believe that we have fans who praise his player!!!
Amiri made terrible tackle with intention. He left team alone for 10-15 minutes. He didn't do anything special all 80 minutes. He made errors in which Madrid could score.

It is ok, we know that you don't like Amiri. You don't have to show us every time Amiri makes a (little) mistake. And sorry, but a lot of referees give a yellow card here.

You have moral to write me after you defend him last week? Now you think that his tackle was for yellow card..... and now i am someone who doesn't like him? I told you that he has bad attitude which was leaked last game vs Borusia when he was in verbal fight with Bailey. Last night when was fight / punching in front of Atletico goal he run like kid to fight with others. Only Bela and Demirbay show that they are mans. Amiri is conflict player and he damage us already very well. I dont see any potential for improvements in football and mental part.

Judge made right call to send him into locker room. He wanted to injure Atletico player.

Your prejudices are hilarious! Did Amiri tell you that he wanted to injure the Atletico player or do you have any skills normal people don't have? Bosz said he didn't understand the red card. Amiri is a conflict player and so he damages us? Why not seeing it as a positive attribute? He brings emotion to the pitch. He fights for victory. He never gives up. And why is the discussion with Bailey negative? Does not everybody cry for an aggressive leader? Here he comes!
By the way, it was Bellarabi (and Tah) who got a yellow card, not Amiri. And Amiri is much younger, less experienced than Demirbay and Bellarabi. In a game with so much tension and a squad from Madrid, which is famous for provoking and unfairness, I totally understand Amiri's aggressiv way of playing.

Are you 18+? You are new on and who knows which fan you are.....

But i must reply on this nonsense.
1. If you have eyes you will see that Amiri had intention to hurt Atletico player. You dont need Bosz to say something in his defense and you immedialty accept it. It is normal reaction from Bosz to defend his player. All managers do the same.
2. I didnt see that Amiri fight for victory at all. In case he fights for victory, then he should do something on pitch. So far.... nothing!
3. He never gives up? Grow up please! He gave up yesterday and left team to defend won game.
4. When two players in same club arguing on pitch that is terrible thing! If you think that is normal, then ..... remember Chicharito and Bela? Fights outside of locker room are terrible. If they happen on pitch that means that atmosphere is not good inside.
5. Amiri aggressive leader? Oh my god!
6. Amiri has 22 years and Kai has 20 years. Kai is moe mature then him 10 times.
7. If Atletico play aggressively and with provocation you should reply with calmness and stability as our team show it last night. Attitude that on aggressive we must gave aggressive is wrong. If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?

IF you write this to defend him because you are related i understand.

Ah, you are becoming pathetc. That speaks for old age and maturity. You reply to "nonsense" is "nonsense". In 5 1/2 points out of 7 you add nothing to what you showed us in all your prior posts on Amiri: antipathy for Amiri based on prejudices and no ability to question your attitude. My answer to this in your words: "Grow up please!" The other two points (4 and 7 (1/2)) are a matter of opinion. Regarding point 4, who started arguing and what was said between the two? Do you know this? Do you remember Podolski and Ballack? These things happen and it is ok, no weakness of any player. Humans are different and so are players. Reagrding your point 7, again: Humans are different and so are players. Ramos and Pepe are great (though aggressiv and unsympathetic) players. It's not a bad attitude to be emotional/aggressiv. Sometimes a mixture is important. And what a senseless question of you at the end: "If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?". If you can't objectively argue, please don't start discussions. You are making a fool of youreself!

By the way, I'm not related to Amiri, I foolow this forum since ages, I am a Bayer fan since my first time in Bayarena 2000 and what the hell has my age (30) to do with this? You are trying to relate to facts outside the discussion. That is really bad style.

I am not fool. You must be warned from Berbo about this offensive words. My discussion with you is over.
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#218
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 12:55 Часов
Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

Zitat von Kannalles

Zitat von nikola_leverkusen

I cant believe that we have fans who praise his player!!!
Amiri made terrible tackle with intention. He left team alone for 10-15 minutes. He didn't do anything special all 80 minutes. He made errors in which Madrid could score.

It is ok, we know that you don't like Amiri. You don't have to show us every time Amiri makes a (little) mistake. And sorry, but a lot of referees give a yellow card here.

You have moral to write me after you defend him last week? Now you think that his tackle was for yellow card..... and now i am someone who doesn't like him? I told you that he has bad attitude which was leaked last game vs Borusia when he was in verbal fight with Bailey. Last night when was fight / punching in front of Atletico goal he run like kid to fight with others. Only Bela and Demirbay show that they are mans. Amiri is conflict player and he damage us already very well. I dont see any potential for improvements in football and mental part.

Judge made right call to send him into locker room. He wanted to injure Atletico player.

Your prejudices are hilarious! Did Amiri tell you that he wanted to injure the Atletico player or do you have any skills normal people don't have? Bosz said he didn't understand the red card. Amiri is a conflict player and so he damages us? Why not seeing it as a positive attribute? He brings emotion to the pitch. He fights for victory. He never gives up. And why is the discussion with Bailey negative? Does not everybody cry for an aggressive leader? Here he comes!
By the way, it was Bellarabi (and Tah) who got a yellow card, not Amiri. And Amiri is much younger, less experienced than Demirbay and Bellarabi. In a game with so much tension and a squad from Madrid, which is famous for provoking and unfairness, I totally understand Amiri's aggressiv way of playing.

Are you 18+? You are new on and who knows which fan you are.....

But i must reply on this nonsense.
1. If you have eyes you will see that Amiri had intention to hurt Atletico player. You dont need Bosz to say something in his defense and you immedialty accept it. It is normal reaction from Bosz to defend his player. All managers do the same.
2. I didnt see that Amiri fight for victory at all. In case he fights for victory, then he should do something on pitch. So far.... nothing!
3. He never gives up? Grow up please! He gave up yesterday and left team to defend won game.
4. When two players in same club arguing on pitch that is terrible thing! If you think that is normal, then ..... remember Chicharito and Bela? Fights outside of locker room are terrible. If they happen on pitch that means that atmosphere is not good inside.
5. Amiri aggressive leader? Oh my god!
6. Amiri has 22 years and Kai has 20 years. Kai is moe mature then him 10 times.
7. If Atletico play aggressively and with provocation you should reply with calmness and stability as our team show it last night. Attitude that on aggressive we must gave aggressive is wrong. If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?

IF you write this to defend him because you are related i understand.

Ah, you are becoming pathetc. That speaks for old age and maturity. You reply to "nonsense" is "nonsense". In 5 1/2 points out of 7 you add nothing to what you showed us in all your prior posts on Amiri: antipathy for Amiri based on prejudices and no ability to question your attitude. My answer to this in your words: "Grow up please!" The other two points (4 and 7 (1/2)) are a matter of opinion. Regarding point 4, who started arguing and what was said between the two? Do you know this? Do you remember Podolski and Ballack? These things happen and it is ok, no weakness of any player. Humans are different and so are players. Reagrding your point 7, again: Humans are different and so are players. Ramos and Pepe are great (though aggressiv and unsympathetic) players. It's not a bad attitude to be emotional/aggressiv. Sometimes a mixture is important. And what a senseless question of you at the end: "If someone punch you in face that mean you must punch him 3 times?". If you can't objectively argue, please don't start discussions. You are making a fool of youreself!

By the way, I'm not related to Amiri, I foolow this forum since ages, I am a Bayer fan since my first time in Bayarena 2000 and what the hell has my age (30) to do with this? You are trying to relate to facts outside the discussion. That is really bad style.

I am not fool. You must be warned from Berbo about this offensive words. My discussion with you is over.

It is a figure of speech in English, don't take it personally. However, I'm glad I can explain to Berbo or anyone else. But, be aware that I will also refer to your nice words, such as "nonsense", "Are you 18+?" and "Grow up please!". This does not contribute to a good culdture of discussion at all.

I'm glad this discussion is over!

•     •     •

Bitte bleibt vernünftig!

Эта статья в последний раз редактировалась Kannalles 07 нояб. 2019 г. на 12:55 Часов
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#219
07 нояб. 2019 г. - 13:00 Часов
I'll go along with kannalles that most of the time. Because what is it called in Germany? As one calls into the forest, so it echoes out. (Terrible. augen-zuhalten )

Ab hier bitte nur noch relevante Diskussionen zu Amiri.

•     •     •

Bayer 04 & LUFC

Эта статья в последний раз редактировалась Rhein2008 07 нояб. 2019 г. на 13:04 Часов
Nadiem Amiri [11] |#220
10 нояб. 2019 г. - 23:02 Часов
Sehe da wenig besonderes bei ihm. Kaum Spielverständnis, nicht besonders schnell, schwacher Abschluss. Zumindest immer mit vollem Einsatz.
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